Evidence of widespread voter fraud?
The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud
Conservative News Sites Fuel Voter Fraud Misinformation
Tapper: Trump can lie on Twitter, but judges need facts
‘Voter fraud’ claims are a racist attack on Black voters so let’s act like it
The message that the mainstream media news outlets keep on pumping out is That there is no widespread evidence that voter fraud has affected the elections. And that if a conservative (or god forbid a liberal) even dares take interest in the matter it is proof positive that they are deplorable at best.
That narrative is misleading, diminishes trust in the media and is distracting from the actual issue at hand;
The actual question is; Do you Trust the Integrity of our elections?
Politico 70% of Republicans don’t think the election was free and fair
The Atlantic: Why Americans Might Not Trust the Election Results
With razor thin margins in Arizona, Georgia, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, The presidential election results are decided by a tiny amount of votes in these states. Even more importantly, they are decided by a tiny amount of votes in the right voting districts in those states.
As such, voting fraud does not have to be widespread in order to compromise the integrity of our Presidential elections. On the contrary, it has to be laser focused. Just enough for it to make the difference, but not enough that it’s not easily noticed or easily proven.
In order for bad faith actors to pull off such a feat they would need to be able to know where would just the right amount of votes prove crucial, and just how many votes they would need.
Wisconsin, Michigan Georgia and Pennsylvania had mysterious surges of vote counts for Biden, in the dead of night. Though officials said they were done counting for the night around 10:30 PM— allegedly counting of the ballots continued in secret. Convenient and sudden surges in votes for Biden followed.
With widespread mail in balloting you had an ideal explanation where all these votes came from in the 11th hour, Biden’s encouragement of mail in ballot usage can explain away why these last minute revelations are mostly if not all for Biden.
So we have the means, and considering how dastardly many people said they feel a 2nd term for President Trump would be — we have a motive.
The real questions is not whether there are widespread evidence that voter fraud has affected the elections.
Is there any evidence, or reasonable suspicion of voter fraud in the presidential elections?
And if there is, than we should all support an investigation to either set the record straight, or set our democracy straight.
“We can have confidence in this election. If we just utilize the protocols and procedures we’ve come up with over the last 20 years, and employ the constitutional remedies our founders created”
— Robert Barnes, civil, criminal and constitutional lawyer
The question each of us needs to ask himself is
What matters more to you?;
That your preferred candidate be sworn in at all costs?
The trust of the American people in the integrity of our electoral process?
If the latter, then we should all support a little bit of patience and wait for the legal protocols and procedures and constitutional processes to take their course.
If the former…
“What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man.”
— Silver Rule
Consider that tomorrow the shoe might be on the other foot, and that when you might have qualms about whether everything was on the up and up in tightly contested elections, you would expect the supporters of the other side of the aisle to be patient while your concerns are being looked into.
Let’s all wait patiently for our constitutional process to legally unfold.
The media in particular, of all institutions, might want to hold off on calling this one considering their recent track record..
In America the results of the presidential elections are not ratified by media, they are ratified by the electoral college on Dec 14th.
“No evidence”
Lawsuit filed against CITY OF DETROIT and DETROIT ELECTION COMMISSION, alleging numerous instances of Fraud, with 6 sworn affidavits — Lawyer Breakdown
Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016
NYTimes raising issues with mail in ballots
Georgia recount unearths more than 2,600 uncounted ballots in Floyd County: Report
Georgia lawsuit alleging mishandling of absentee ballots, and illegaly changing process for handling absentee ballots
Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Exposes Anti-Trump Postmaster’s Illegal Order To Back-Date Ballots
Goes public
Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story
Google’s Head of Global Analysis about election manipulation